Your Coach

Elisabeth (Liz) Fleming is a multi-passionate 2x business owner, mom, military spouse, entrepreneur, CEO, and Certified Quantum Life Coach who is passionate about helping ambitious women wake up to their own power and purpose, on purpose.

She's spent two decades honing her interpersonal communications skills as an award-winning public relations and marketing strategist, designing unique personal development and self-love focused coaching methods, learning, experimenting and creating results-driven strategies to experience the ultimate freedom and abundance in her life. 

As the Founder + CEO of the popular women’s community, The Small Town Social®, she has a particular passion for teaching women from all walks of life how to deepen the relationships they have with themselves and others through socials, workshops, and popular high-vibe gatherings like GLOWCON that are focused on self-love, passion and the pursuit of purpose.  

She's been featured in Forbes, Business Insider, BizWomen and hosts The Life with Liz Podcast. You can learn more about Liz at elisabethfleming.com and connect with her on social @mslizfleming @thesmalltownsocial @lifewithlizpod

Get ready to get real. Liz dives deep and, for good reason, she cares about you living your best life. If you’re here, get ready to uplevel your life!


For 21 years, I struggled with self-love, self-worth, and confidence on all levels - friendships, relationships, family, work.

Yep, it took me until well into my 30s to master my own self-awareness enough to step boldly into my own power as a person and as a woman in today’s world.

And, when I did, my life changed in the most EPIC way.

The truth is…

I grew up desperate to fit in, got bullied for being myself so, I stopped being myself. Those experiences compounded on one another and primed me to believe that I’m not good enough. I hid behind cliques and used my popularity (or lack thereof) as a measure of my own worth.

It happened later in life too when I went into public relations - a notoriously toxic industry that, like high school, often pressures women to pit themselves against one another in order to be the best or the best paid.

I finally reached a point where I realized that this is not how you’re supposed to live life. We’re not here to please others, we’re here for one reason and one reason only: to feel good and to experience joy.

LOVING yourself will set you free.

It took me until I was 34 years old, married, with two toddlers and two successful businesses, finally rising above these wretched old limiting beliefs and thought patterns to realize the truth: loving yourself will set you free.

When I learned how to truly love myself and be proactive (instead of reactive) about all of my desires, my life everything changed for me in the best way. I found success, I made money, I experienced joy, fulfillment, and total alignment on auto-pilot.

This conscious self-awareness and deep inner work on myself began in 2019, after the loss of my first pregnancy, a time when I felt my lowest and most lost. It sent me on a downward spiral and, after months of battling depression, I reached a point where I knew, if I wanted to live the life of my wildest dreams, I had to change my mindset. All these years of thinking I was the problem or that I wasn’t good enough, I had to let go of if I wanted to be happy. I had to release all of that fuzzy stuff that I couldn’t control and focus only on what I could: my thoughts, my actions, my energy. 

And, so, the real journey began: letting myself be me, letting myself be seen. Teaching myself how to go from invisible to vibrant in life.

I want that for you too!



  • → Launch my personal brand on LinkedIn and build my first blog

  • → Host my first networking event in Burlington, VT called Web Analytics Wednesday.

    → Graduate Champlain College with a BS degree in Public Relations; Plan my own graduation ceremony (because there wasn’t one for December grads)

    → Start freelance marketing.

  • → Enter the corporate world as a PR newbie at a firm in Burlington, VT representing boutique brands and multi-million dollar businesses. Quickly work my way up to manage some of the firm’s largest accounts.

  • → Get my first client hit in the New York Times!

  • → Get hired by the PGA of America as the Media and Promotions Director and move to North Carolina

  • → Re-ignite my freelance marketing and public relations work; read all the books, do all of the research and brainstorming. Find myself again. Build my dream at night.

  • → Launch BurnBreatheBe.com and expand my coaching to health, wellness and mindset

  • → Launch LizMuroskiMedia.com and start onboarding several clients as a marketing and public relations coach

    → Take leap of faith #1 and leave the PGA to go all-in on my marketing coaching

  • → Host my first mastermind meeting. The concept of The Small Town Social is born.

    → Host the first The Small Town Social®. First event attracts 50 women to The Wine Cellar in Southern Pines, NC. It continues to grow, reaching thousands of women throughout Moore County. I purchase the domain and create the logo that night, through happy tears.

    → Start my first podcast, Brand in Bloom.

    → Host my first LIVE webinar

    → Launch my first high-ticket program

  • → Land first big keynote speaking gig to an audience of over 200 at a local college on marketing and public relations.

    → Get married

    → File a registered trademark application for The Small Town Social® with the USPTO and Win The Rising Tide Society’s 20 on The Rise Award for marketing experts.

  • → Covid lock down forces me to put The Small Town Social® on hold for TWO FREAKING YEARS

    → Win 20 Best Sites for Solopreneurs by the One Woman Shop

  • → Host my first virtual summit called The Made by Me Summit to an audience of 1,100+ female makers, business owners, and moms. It received over 2.5 million impressions (without ads).

    → The Small Town Social® officially becomes a registered trademark!

    → Have my first baby (and struggle in postpartum). Both businesses get put on hold as I focus on healing.

    → I start writing my book.

  • → The Small Town Social® is back in action after a two year hiatus during COVID and is bigger than ever!!

    → Back to client work with baby on my lap - gotta start somewhere! Started taking on coaching clientele again and landed two large extended contracts at the same time #IStillGotIt #ButWhatTheActualHeck

  • → I first appear in Forbes and Business Insider!!!

    → Have my second baby (take control of my pre and post-natal experience, which kickstarts a MASSIVE transformation for me; discover the power of manifestation #HOLYGUACAMOLE)

    → Invest in my first high-ticket coaching program with Kathrin Zenkina, Manifestation Babe Academy, which truly changes my life and drives a whole new purpose for me personally. This was when everything truly changed for me in the best way. The shifts I made during this time skyrocketed my success in life and business and revealed a newfound passion for interpersonal connection and collaboration.

    → The Small Town Social® gets registered as a legal business and GLOWcon is born!

    → Reach my 500th organic media hit and my PR course hits 500 students!

  • → Reach my first five-figure month as a coach and entrepreneur. Major milestone for me professionally, lots of happy tears.

    → Get my first book deal

    → Host GLOWcon, my first women’s conference for over 100 women in Pinehurst, some traveling as far as New York and Pennsylvania. The wild success of this program launches my business transformation from just marketing to what you now see: personal and self-development coaching for women


Today, I bring all of thOse years of knowledge + experience to you as a QUANTUM LIFE + SUCCESS coach. 

I want to help you lean the F into YOUR LIFE and take leaps of faith every day.

I want to help you set yourself free from all that’s holding you back. 

I want to help you experience as much joy, abundance, success and love as humanly possible without giving a shiitake mushroom what anyone else in this world thinks. 

I want to help you make yourself more of a priority in your life, instead of an afterthought because, when you do, EVERYONE BENEFITS.


I believe my sole purpose on this planet is to help women realize their worth so they can experience AS MUCH joy, love, success and abundance AS HUMANLY Possible.




I LOVE TO give back

My business is proud to support The Children's Legacy Partnership, a 501(c)(3) charitable corporation that helps break the cycle of poverty for children and families by supporting education and career opportunities in communities throughout the U.S. and developing countries.