The best gift your business can give is giving back

My goodness, there's an occasion for everything these days, isn't there? 

This time of year, it's Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, + Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday. Then, next thing you know, 2021 shows up + it's “New Year, New Me!” then it's Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Back To School, Halloween + then BAM it's Thanksgiving again. And, I didn't even get to birthdays, anniversaries, + other major milestones.

Bottomline: there's always a special “thing” for which we have to give a thing or get a thing and, Lord knows what happens should we forget the thing!

Listen, I'm not trying to be a Scrooge McDuck here - I love special occasions. I love holidays. And, I love giving + celebrating + having fun surprising others in life + in business but, the truth is…

the best giving happens without a special occasion.

Now, I don't know if it's the holiday spirit that's got me all jazzed up, BUT I feel like the hustle + bustle of society (not just the holiday season) makes us forget what matters most in life...

It's not giving things. 

It's giving back.

It's how YOU show up for others.

And, no, not just for your customers or your followers. I mean actually GIVING BACK without an agenda like wanting to capture the lead + make the sale.

In fancy business-speak, this is what we call “social impact” + on this week's episode of Brand in Bloom Podcast, I break down what it is, why it matters + how you can (and should) make it a priority in your life + business, if you really want to grow.

Being a great business owner isn't about being the best at what you do. Actually, most often, it comes down to just being a good human, to WANTING to be a good human. 

This season, instead of worrying about all that you don't have or can't have, consider how much you do have in the grand scheme of things.

The fact that you're sitting at a computer reading this or scrolling through this post on your phone right now already speaks volumes to the life you get to live in comparison to others out there who are less fortunate + often forgotten.

So, if you've made it this far in this blog post + you're thinking to yourself “well, what can I do?", your first step is to listen to this new episode of the podcast because I give you a sh*tload of ideas.


You'll learn…

>> One of the best ways to strengthen brand integrity 

>> Ideas to give back on behalf of your business

>> How I give back in my business each year

>> The best way to spread the word about your giving efforts

>> How to select the right charitable partner for your business


Social impact is sadly underrated because it's not as glamorous as giving a new Apple Watch or Peloton or Ipad but it's the giving that matters most + I hope to see you doing more of it on a local + global scale as a business owner.

Each year, I'm proud to donate a portion of the proceeds from my online programs to my charitable giving partner, The Children's Legacy Partnership, along with offering complimentary marketing services to them every quarter. 

While occasions like “Giving Tuesday” are great, they're not required in order for you to do good.

Giving back can take many forms, especially in business, whether it’s your money or your time or at random.⠀⠀

Giving back can also take many forms in your personal life too! ⠀⠀⠀

For example, my husband, Sean, and I aren’t big on physical gifting + accumulating stuff (or being the reason others do). Instead, we prefer to invest our time + money in meaningful experiences, like family trips (when that was a thing) + giving back to our community.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Each year we make a donation to our charitable giving partner, Children's Legacy Partnership, in the names of our closest family members + friends + it always puts a smile on their faces. And, like I mentioned above, I also give back to this organization on behalf of my business too.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Anyway, I hope this episode inspires you to give back / think about how you can make more of a social impact in your business + if it doesn't…well, please do me a favor + “Dump it to Crumpit” because I don't work with Grinches.

Episode Highlights:

>> A handful of ideas to give back on behalf of your business

>> The best way to spread the word about your giving efforts

>> How to select the right charity for your business

>> Click to listen to this episode on iTunes!

*You can hear from the Founder of CLP on episode #10 — Stream it below!*

This year, I encourage you to think of ways you + your families can give back, whether it's time or money. A little can go a LONG way. For example, $25 to Children's Legacy Partnership feeds a family of 4 for one month overseas + supports the actions the organization is taking here at home to educate our nation's children.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

I encourage you to pick a charity, local or global, that aligns with your passions personally or professionally. Education has always been close to mine + Sean's hearts so Children's Legacy Partnership made the most sense for us.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

What makes the most sense for you? How can you + your business give back?

Maybe client + staff gifts this year could be donations in their names to a charity in your community OR you donate a product / service to a cause?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Here are a few ways your business can give back

  • Donate a portion of proceeds each year / quarter / month

  • Donate a portion of proceeds for certain products / programs

  • Donate a portion of proceeds from an event / collaboration

  • Donate product(s) to a charitable cause / host a giveaway or raffle⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

If you are under financial constraints, you can also donate your time. Actually, it may be even MORE worth your while and theirs. What services of yours could you volunteer to help an organization or cause? How can you get your staff, family + friends involved?

Our form of gift giving looks a bit different + I hope it inspires you to think about how you can make more of an impact with your gift giving this season + beyond.⠀⠀

Resources mentioned in this episode:

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