Copywriting queen, Melinda Martin, shares expert tips to increase your online exposure with words

Melinda Martin is a copywriter and messaging strategist who helps purpose-driven entrepreneurs create messages that start a movement and change the world so that they can turn their passion for helping others into profits for impact!

Her signature A.C.T.I.O.N. Copy Formula is developed around a people-first approach to crafting an empowering message, creating connections and moving an audience to action.

When she’s not writing, speaking, or dreaming up how to change the world for the better, you can find her chasing around her kiddos and cherishing pancake Sundays and Texas sunsets.

I invited Melinda on the podcast to share some expert tips with us about copywriting for business and the role it plays in organic marketing + personal branding. It is a MUST listen for all business owners, side-hustlers, and solopreneurs out there wanting to elevate their exposure in a new way.

What’s your biggest struggle with copywriting? Share with us in the comments.


Here’s a quick roundup of this episode…

>> [2:20] Melinda shares her background on copywriting (and nursing!)

>> [4:29] Why are words so important in business? Why do we need to pay more attention to language?

>> [7:41] The best lead in words for your content - a strategy I learned from Marie Forleo, after years of watching her videos before I became a full-time entrepreneur

>> [13:00] How words can help preserve your relationships with your audience

>> [14:49] Talking about yourself on the internet is awkward and hard - here’s how to make bio and content writing way easier

>> [17:00] Melinda shares her A.C.T.I.O.N. Copy Formula with us!

>> [21:01] Why getting away from fancy industry jargon is (most times) the best thing you can do to market your business

>> [24:55] How to make this style of marketing much easier on yourself, even if you hate writing

>> [31:14] Melinda shares a special gift just for Brand in Bloom listeners! (scroll down to access)

Click to listen to this episode!

Links mentioned in this episode: 

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